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"Every Day the River Changes" with Jordan Salama

"Every Day the River Changes" with Jordan Salama

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*English subtitles will be available soon.*

Join us for a virtual evening with Jordan Salama, author of Every Day the River Changes: Four Weeks Down the Magdalena. An American writer of Argentine, Syrian, and Iraqi Jewish descent, Jordan Salama tells the story of the Río Magdalena, nearly one thousand miles long, the heart of Colombia. This is Gabriel García Márquez’s territory—rumor has it Macondo was partly inspired by the port town of Mompox—as much as that of the Middle Eastern immigrants who run fabric stores by its banks.

Following the river from near its source high in the Andes to its mouth on the Caribbean coast, journeying by boat, bus, and improvised motobalinera, Salama writes against stereotype and toward the rich lives of those he meets. Among them are a canoe builder, biologists who study invasive hippopotamuses, a Queens transplant managing a failing hotel, a jeweler practicing the art of silver filigree, and a traveling librarian whose donkeys, Alfa and Beto, haul books to rural children.

Joy, mourning, and humor come together in this astonishing debut, travel writing about a country too often seen as only a site of war, and a tale of lively adventure following a legendary river. 

Jordan Salama is a nonfiction writer, journalist, and producer whose work appears regularly in the New York Times and National Geographic magazine, among other publications. His first book, Every Day the River Changes, was named a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2021 and a New York Times Best Travel Book.

Salama will be in conversation with Melissa Gonzalez-Maza, a WRHS graduate, former Winter Read intern, and second-year student at the University of Denver. She is working towards her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language, Literature and Cultural Studies and Socio-legal Studies. Melissa is on the recreational figure skating team and currently holds secretary position for the Latino Student Alliance. She hopes to do work in the immigration field after completing her studies, and this coming fall she will be studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador.

Part of the 2022 Winter Read. Read more here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
The Community Library
  Lectures & Conversations  

Únase a nosotros para una velada virtual con Jordan Salama, autor de "Todos los días cambia el río: cuatro semanas por el Magdalena." Escritor estadounidense de ascendencia judía argentina, siria e iraquí, Jordan Salama cuenta la historia del Río Magdalena, de casi mil millas de largo, el corazón de Colombia. Este es el territorio de Gabriel García Márquez —se rumorea que Macondo se inspiró en parte en la ciudad portuaria de Mompox— tanto como el de los inmigrantes del Medio Oriente que dirigen tiendas de telas en sus bancos.

Siguiendo el río desde cerca de su nacimiento en lo alto de los Andes hasta su desembocadura en la costa caribeña, viajando en bote, autobús y motobalinera improvisada, Salama escribe contra el estereotipo y hacia la rica vida de quienes conoce. Entre ellos se encuentran un constructor de canoas, biólogos que estudian hipopótamos invasores, un trasplante de Queens que administra un hotel en ruinas, un joyero que practica el arte de la filigrana de plata y un bibliotecario viajero cuyos burros, Alfa y Beto, llevan libros a los niños de las zonas rurales.

Alegría, duelo y humor se unen en este asombroso debut, viajes escribiendo sobre un país visto con demasiada frecuencia como un lugar de guerra y una historia de animada aventura siguiendo un río legendario.

Jordan Salama es un escritor, periodista y productor de no ficción cuyo trabajo aparece regularmente en el New York Times y la revista National Geographic, entre otras publicaciones. Su primer libro, Every Day the River Changes, fue nombrado Mejor libro de Kirkus Reviews de 2021 y Mejor libro de viajes del New York Times.

Parte de la lectura de invierno de 2022.