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Read-A-Long Story Time with Lee In-Person
Join us for Read-A-Long Story Time with Lee! Story Time will be held outside on the Donaldson Robb Family Lawn on 4th Street.
Registration opens the Wednesday prior to the upcoming story time and space is limited.
A copy of the book will be provided for each group to follow along as it is read, and so illustrations can be seen close up, and books will be collected at the conclusion of story time.
SIGNUP IS PER FAMILY (OR GROUP)--i.e., you only need to register for one attendee per family, even if there are multiple children attending that will be sharing a book. Please indicate in the comments how many children are in your group so we can plan for each child to receive a craft or activity kit when one is being provided.
Attendees will be responsible for anything they might need to enjoy this outdoor gathering (blanket to sit on, refreshments, sunscreen, etc.). The Community Library will have additional staff/volunteers on hand to help with outdoor story time, however adult attendees will ultimately be responsible for the safety and welfare of the children they bring.
We are so excited to see you and share this fun summer activity with you!
Week 7: August 2nd
Lee will be reading “Last Stop on Market Street” by Matt de la Peña with a craft/activity to follow. AND Mountain Rides will be bringing one of their new electric buses by for us to explore!