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Hiking the Idaho Centennial Trail: A Diverse Perspective

Hiking the Idaho Centennial Trail: A Diverse Perspective In-Person

The Idaho Centennial Trail is a nearly 1,000-mile-long trail spanning the length of Idaho, extending from the Idaho-Nevada border to the Canadian border, encompassing all the variety that the state has to offer. It was recognized as the state trail in 1990, when Idaho was celebrating its 100-year benchmark after becoming a state. The ICT travels through some of the most rugged and remote country in the Lower 48, including three designated wilderness areas, one proposed wilderness area, and several roadless areas. As long trails go, it’s regarded as one of the most difficult in the nation.

Come hear from four Idahoans—John Lloyd, Lisa and Jeremy Johnson, and Dan Noakes—who have hiked the trail in its entirety! This panel, facilitated by the Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation, will give attendees an inside perspective on hiking the trail from both thru-hikers and a section-hiker. You’re sure to leave inspired for your next adventure!

In partnership with the Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation. This program will be livestreamed and recorded for later viewing. Click here to watch online.

Lisa and Jeremy Johnson's new book, The Hiker's Guide: Idaho Centennial Trail, will be available for sale from Chapter One at the event..

Thursday, July 13, 2023
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
John A. and Carole O. Moran Lecture Hall
The Community Library
  Lectures & Conversations  
Registration has closed.

John Lloyd: After 55 years of construction work and 40 years as owner of Lloyd Construction, Inc. of Ketchum, ID, John now claims “retired” status from the custom home construction business. He has spent many a winter enjoying Bald Mountain and serving on the mountain’s ski patrol team and the Ketchum Forest Service Assistant Snow Ranger. John summarizes his relevant experience as having hiked the Centennial Trail through the Frank and Selway. In addition, John knows the Main and Middle Fork of the Salmon River from many a float trip and has explored the vast Wilderness of the Selway-Bitterroot and Frank by way of the Magruder Road.

Lisa & Jeremy Johnson: Jeremy and Lisa are Boise natives who have spent their lives enjoying the Idaho outdoors. They are avid outdoors people whose recreational pursuits include climbing, biking, hiking, backpacking, fishing, and hunting. They have two children, 17- and 19-year olds, and a two-year old Great Pyrenees. In 2020, Jeremy and Lisa took two months off work and thru-hiked the entire ICT, their first thru-hike ever. Since the ICT has a reputation for being a route relegated to elite thru-hikers or masochists, they spent two years writing a comprehensive guidebook for the trail in an attempt to raise awareness and to make the trail more approachable for all Idahoans.

Dan Noakes: Dan resides in Donnelly, Idaho with his lovely wife and 4 year old son. He thru-hiked the Idaho Centennial Trail in 2018 and created a YouTube series documenting the journey. In 2020 he climbed and skied the 12 highest peaks in Idaho, and in 2022 he completed a solo winter ski traverse across the Frank Church Wilderness and is publishing his video series, Ghosts of the Frank, as a tribute to the Wilderness and to the people who once lived, worked, and died there. As a career, Dan is a full-time designer/animator for Motifize, for fun he creates videos for his YouTube Channel, and also volunteers his time one weekend a month to serve his country as a member of the Idaho Air National Guard.

Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation: SBFC is a nonprofit working to connect people and communities to the Selway-Bitterroot and Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness. Every summer, SBFC brings hundreds of people to work and learn in these vast Wilderness areas. SBFC crews and volunteers help to maintain wilderness access through trail work and stewardship using traditional, human-powered tools. Every year, trails become more difficult to find and follow without this massive effort. Trees fall and brush grows thick along trail corridors, making wilderness access something that cannot be taken for granted. SBFC aims to keep these areas wild and accessible forever! The Idaho Centennial Trail travels across the Selway and the Frank, and SBFC conducts trail work projects across the trail.